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Sixth place for Labecki in Trofeo Alfredo Binda

Sixth place for Labecki in Trofeo Alfredo Binda

Coryn Labecki has finished sixth in the Trofeo Alfredo Binda. After a tough race with many attacks, it came down to a sprint of a small peloton. Labecki had to come from afar and could not compete for the victory.

After a fast start, three riders broke away from the peloton on the first climb. They gained a slight lead, but because of the high tempo of the bunch, the time difference was kept within limits. With about 90 kilometres to go, the race was neutralised because of a car crash. After a half-hour break, the race resumed and the leading group was soon caught. Subsequently, several riders attacked. Karlijn Swinkels and Anna Henderson were also part of a leading group. In the penultimate lap, the tempo was increased again and only Labecki could keep up on behalf of Team Jumbo-Visma. An attack on the last passage of the climb failed.

“It was a crazy day”, sports director Carmen Small said. “The race was neutralised, and we had to restart. In the end, what we expected from the race came true. Coryn did well by staying in the first group. She came back a few times after others attacked and it was good for us that the group stayed together until the finish. Coryn would have liked a better sprint, but our team got everything out of it today, and the riders supported each other. That is positive.”


Trofeo Alfredo Binda - Comune di Cittiglio

One day race

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