Time savings through new kind of bib numbers

Since last year, the Team LottoNL-Jumbo riders are racing their time trials with bib numbers from Nopinz. Trainer Mathieu Heijboer explains its advantage, “Generally, we’re always struggling with bib numbers during time trials. When a rider takes his aerodynamic position, the pins or the numbers move loose. I was looking for help and found Nopinz. They sew a little envelope in the riders’ suit. The suit holds its normal size, but the number is placed underneath.

The company says that it saves three to five watts at a pace of 50 kilometres an hour. In the Tour de France 2015, we were the first team who used this system, but in the Vuelta, I saw that other teams jumped on board. Our clothing sponsors Santini and Nopinz collaborated and now all of our time trial suits are provided with a little envelope. I don’t think this will be used in normal races because you need pockets to carry food.”

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