Our latest updates

Impressive sprint victory Groenewegen in Tour de France

Impressive sprint victory Groenewegen in Tour de France

Video: Tolhoek doesn't go swimming

Video: Tolhoek doesn't go swimming

Roglic sprints to tenth place on Mur-de-Bretagne

Roglic sprints to tenth place on Mur-de-Bretagne

Video: Our osteopath

Video: Our osteopath

Kruijswijk attentive in tough fifth stage Tour de France

Kruijswijk attentive in tough fifth stage Tour de France

Video: The car of the future

Video: The car of the future

Groenewegen fourth after chaotic final in Tour de France

Groenewegen fourth after chaotic final in Tour de France

Maas starts internship at Team LottoNL-Jumbo

Maas starts internship at Team LottoNL-Jumbo

Video: Team time trial day

Video: Team time trial day

Conservative start brings Team LottoNL-Jumbo twelfth place in team time trial Tour

Conservative start brings Team LottoNL-Jumbo twelfth place in team time trial Tour

Video: The snake

Video: The snake

Crash thwarts sprint chances Groenewegen

Crash thwarts sprint chances Groenewegen

Video: Dylan's first day in the Tour

Video: Dylan's first day in the Tour

Groenewegen sixth in opening stage of Tour de France

Groenewegen sixth in opening stage of Tour de France

Video: Number 14 - Dylan Groenewegen

Video: Number 14 - Dylan Groenewegen

Manage your own Tour de France 2018 Team

Manage your own Tour de France 2018 Team

Van Poppel second in Dutch national championships

Van Poppel second in Dutch national championships

Video: Our sprinters part 4 - Dylan Groenewegen

Video: Our sprinters part 4 - Dylan Groenewegen

Van Emden and Eenkhoorn miss podium on national time trial championship

Van Emden and Eenkhoorn miss podium on national time trial championship

Van Poppel wins Halle-Ingooigem in millimeter sprint

Van Poppel wins Halle-Ingooigem in millimeter sprint

Video: Roglic wins Tour of Slovenia

Video: Roglic wins Tour of Slovenia

Kruijswijk eighth in Tour de Suisse

Kruijswijk eighth in Tour de Suisse

Roglic wins Tour of Slovenia after victory in time trial

Roglic wins Tour of Slovenia after victory in time trial

Kruijswijk starts in eighth place in time trial Switzerland

Kruijswijk starts in eighth place in time trial Switzerland